Code of Ethics

Grupo IP | Código de Ética 11 3.1. Conflicts of interest exist whenever employees have, or could have, personal interests in a matter that they could directly or indirectly influence, or seem to influence such matters, preventing them from performing their duties in an impartial and objective manner. 3.2. Personal interests are understood to be any potential advantage gained for themselves or for third parties, that could prejudice their duties and/or the interests of the IP Group. To this end: • IP Group employees are prohibited from engaging in any acts that could directly or indirectly influence a situation involving a conflict of interest; • IP Group employees are prohibited from engaging in any external professional activity, whether remunerated or otherwise, that could interfere with their professional duties and/or with the IP Group’s activities or interests, except for cases expressly set out in legislation or in duly justified situations that have been approved by the Boards of the IP Group companies; 3. Conflict of Interests knowledge and information; • carry out their tasks with professional pride, always striving to stay up to date with developments in fields that are relevant for their professional functions, namely, by means of training actions promoted within the IP Group; • uphold objective criteria during performance assessment processes implemented at the IP Group; • comply with health and safety standards at work; • respect the freedom to join unions and recognize the right to collective negotiation; • strive to safeguard and maintain the IP Group’s property and resources in a good state of preservation, namely, by protecting against loss, damage, theft, undue use, diversion or destruction.