Code of Ethics
Grupo IP | Código de Ética 5. Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism Whenever employees of IP Group Companies suspect or have sufficient grounds to suspect that certain funds or other assets, irrespective of the amount or value involved, are derived from criminal activities or are related to money laundering or funding terrorism, they must report such suspicions pursuant to the Transaction Communication Procedure – Preventing and Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism and via the channels set out therein. 6. Preventing and Combating Harassment in the Workplace 6.1. IP Group companies pay special attention to the combating of harassment in the workplace, which is processed autonomously pursuant to the internal standard “Policy to Prevent and Combat Harassment in the Workplace”, a reference document. 6.2. Employees must report situations of harassment to the Human Resources Department via the channels indicated below, without prejudice to simultaneously informing the competent national authorities (Authority for Workplace Conditions, Commission for Equality in the Workplace and Employment and the Inspectorate- General of Finance): • email: • postal address: INFRAESTRUTURAS DE PORTUGAL, SA APARTADO 504 R. Galileu Saúde Correia 18-A 2805-999 Pragal 17
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