- Statutes
Infraestruturas de Portugal, S.A. was created on 1 June 2015 as the result of the merger, by incorporation, of EP - Estradas de Portugal, S.A. (EP, S.A.) and the National Rail Network (Rede Ferroviária Nacional – REFER E.P.E.). Its articles of association are set out in Decree-Law No 91/2015 of 29 May 2015.
- Concession Contract
A Concession Contract was signed on 23 November 2007 between the Portuguese State and EP - Estradas de Portugal, SA.
This contract approved the concession bases for funding, designing, planning, building, maintaining, operating, upgrading and expanding the National Road Network (Rede Rodoviária Nacional - RRN).
Bases of the Concession for EP - Estradas de Portugal, S.A.
DL 380:2007, de 13 de Novembro
Lei 13:2008, de 29 de fevereiro - Alteração bases CC
DL 44A:2010, de 5 de maio - Alteração Bases de Concessão da EP
Infraestruturas de Portugal, S.A. Funding for the National Road Network
- Program Contract
The Program Contract for the rail sector was signed between Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP) and the Portuguese State on 11 March 2016. This contract defines and regulates the terms and conditions for IP to provide the public service obligations of managing the infrastructure comprising the National Rail Network (Rede Ferroviária Nacional - RFN), for the period from 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2020, as well as the resulting compensatory indemnities to be paid by the Portuguese State.
An addendum to the Program Contract was signed on 31 December 2020, which extended the validity of the contract for a period of six months (from 01/01/2021 to 30/06/2021), keeping the respective conditions unchanged.
Legal Framework
Decreto-Lei 217 de 7 de outubro 2017
Program Contract
Contrato Programa Ferroviário entre o Estado e a Infraestruturas de Portugal
Performance Reports
Relatório Anual de Desempenho IP de 2019
Adenda ao Relatório de Avaliação do Desempenho 2018
Relatório de Avaliação de Desempenho IP - 2018
- National Roadways Plan
One of the most important structural factors for a harmonious land use policy is undoubtedly the way the National Road Network is organized. This entails the existence of a National Roadways Plan, which is the regulatory tool for national road infrastructure, optimizing land use conditions and spatial planning, always pursuing the underlying objective of minimizing environmental impact and considering the public interest and the interests of communities in particular.
The first National Roadways Plan was issued in 1945 with a view to remedying shortcomings in the existing road network. It established technical characteristics and created a hierarchy for the road network. In this plan, the national network, which consisted of around 20 600 km of roads, was classified into three hierarchical levels (1st, 2nd and 3rd class roads) and the minimum platform widths were defined for each of the classes.
A new National Roadways Plan was published forty years later, in 1985, to meet the considerable expansion and technological development of vehicles as well as new development methodologies, based on traffic forecasts, which had become commonplace during the 1960s. A National Road Network was thus created, with about 10 000 km, maintaining the three-level classification.
The latest review was carried out in 1998 (commonly known as PRN2000) to meet the socio-economic development that took place after Portugal joined the European Union. This Plan envisaged a total of about 16 500 km of roads, of which around 5 000 km were included in a new category – Regional Roads. This new road category was of supra-municipal interest and complemented the National Road Network. The underlying premise was that it would only provisionally be the responsibility of central government and would be transferred to the future regions. As is now known, this did not take place, owing to the result of the referendum.
This Plan included a national highway network around 3 000 km in length, corresponding to approximately half of the network of Main Routes (Itinerários Principais - IP) and Complementary Routes (Itinerários Complementares - IC).
This plan was instituted by Decree-law No 222/98 of 17 July 1998 and amended by Rectification Declaration No 19-D/98 of 31 October 1998, by Law No 98/99 of 26 July 1999 and by Decree-Law No 182/2003 of 16 August 2003.
- External Regulations