RAVE - Rede Ferroviária de Alta Velocidade, SA – the company responsible for conducting studies to aid decision-making for the implementation of the high-speed railway network in Portugal – was integrated into REFER in 2011.
Approval for liquidating the RAVE accounts was issued on 17 January 2014 and the respective liquidation was registered on 12 February 2014 at the respective Commercial Registry.
Under the high-speed rail project, studies were carried out by diverse national and international entities (universities, consultants and specialists) providing information on the impact on the environment, on society and on the economy.
Studies relating to the international Lisbon-Madrid and Porto-Vigo links were carried out in partnership with Spain, within the scope of the European Economic Interest Grouping – High-Speed Rail Spain-Portugal (EEIG - AVEP).
Preliminary Studies and the respective Environmental Impact Studies (EIS) for the different stretches were subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures pursuant to legislation in force and favorable Environmental Impact Statements were obtained.
Non-Technical Summaries that are part of the EIAs and the respective documents that were produced can be consulted in this section.
The Reports and Accounts of RAVE - Rede Ferroviária de Alta Velocidade, SA are also available for consultation.