In order for Infraestruturas de Portugal, SA to be able to manage the Portuguese road and rail networks, every day studies and projects are carried out both internally and externally. These studies and projects seek to ensure that the required construction, conservation, maintenance and safety work is carried out on both these networks.
The graphs below show the studies and projects put out to tender, broken down per year and in accordance with the type of event (competitions launched).
The significant volume of projects which are undertaken internally using the company's own resources allows a balance to be achieved with those which are outsourced (tenders). The figures shown for projects started and concluded refer to both internal and external projects.
Annual evolution is as follows:
A balance can be seen between the number of rail projects carried out internally with respect to external procedures (subject to tender). The figures shown for projects started and concluded refer to both internal and external projects.
Annual evolution is as follows:
With respect to road contract work which has been launched, awarded and concluded over the last four years, of note are a number of projects which form part of Strategic Plans. IP5 – Vilar Formoso / Fronteira, conservation work on the IP3 - Penacova Interchange (Km 59+000) / Bridge over the River Dão (Km 75+160), part of the Strategic Transport and Infrastructure Plan - PETI 3+ and the work included in the Business Park Enhancement Program – PVAE, such as the EN326 - Feira (IC2/A23) / Escariz (Km 0+000 to Km 7+141) and the connection of the Formariz Business Park to the A3 highway (Sapardos – Paredes de Coura interchange).
In relation to rail investment, which is taking place throughout the network, the implementation of the Strategic Ferrovia 2020 Plan involves work on four corridors in different areas where the International North Corridor, the International South Corridor, the North-South Corridor and the Complementary Corridors are particularly important.
Work of greater importance under this plan, which is well underway, includes: the largest railway construction project of this century, between Évora and Elvas, work on the Beira Baixa line between Covilhã and Guarda, which will allow this line to reopen, work on the Northern line, the main national railway line, and the electrification of the Minho line between Viana do Castelo and Valença, as well as the modernization of the Beira Alta line.