The Strategic Transport and Infrastructure Plan 2015-2020 (PETI3+) is an update of PET 2011-2015 and moves structural reforms in this sector into a second phase. It also addresses a series of investments in transport infrastructure to be undertaken by the end of the decade. The goal of this document is to create a framework of strategic guidelines for the sector, based on compliance with deadlines and a recovery of public investment, under strict criteria of financial sustainability, with a view to creating value for national companies and the Portuguese economy.
The main strategic objectives are to contribute to economic growth while also supporting Portuguese companies and creating jobs, ensuring the competitiveness of the transport sector and its financial sustainability for Portuguese tax payers. Further aims include the promotion of social and territorial cohesion, ensuring mobility and accessibility for people and goods, throughout the country.
The Rail Investment Plan 2016-2020 is based on the PETI3+ Plan, setting out a series of duly identified priorities from a broad spectrum of stakeholders including:
International commitments, including bilateral commitments with Spain and those relating to the Atlantic Corridor;
Promotion of goods transport, particularly exports;
Coordination between national ports and the main land border crossings with Spain;
To achieve these objectives, a financial package has been made available consisting of Community funds from the Connecting Europe facility (CEF) both under the general component (30 to 50% of funding) as well as under the cohesion component (85% of funding) and the Portugal 2020 Program (85% of funding).