Âmbito da Intervenção
More specifically, work involves the introduction of split-levels on the left lanes and central reservation of the ER206 (on the A11-Guimarães axis) over the existing roundabout, close to km 40+800, by constructing a tunnel and 2 special structures – underground crossings, PI 1 and PI 2, to reintroduce the roundabout on the surface. The structural solution implemented for these underground crossings consists of the construction of a reinforced concrete slab supported on a curtain of reinforced concrete pilings. Earth from digging is contained through a curtain of 800 mm diameter pilings.
The geometrical characteristics to be implemented for the split-level will consist of the following standard transversal profile: 2 x 4.00 m lanes separated by a central reservation 0.60m wide and with interior shoulders of 1.00m.
Also planned is the dismantling of the elevated pedestrian walkway and mounting of a new metal structure.
Brings AVEPARK - Taipas Science and Technology Park closer to the roads which form the basic transport network for people and goods, with focus on the A11;
Improved access, safety and movement on the main road network around Guimarães;
Promotes and improves road connections, minimizing current traffic bottlenecks;
Creates an urban benchmark while also contributing to the structuring of the territory and clarity of spatial planning;
Financiamento Comunitário
Business Area Enhancement Programme.