- What is your personal data protection policy?
It is the policy which sets out the terms and conditions under which IP Group companies collect and process the personal data of stakeholders in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable legislation regarding data protection.
- What is the scope of the personal data protection policy?
This policy applies to situations where personal data is processed by IP Group companies.
- Which companies make up the IP Group?
Infraestruturas de Portugal, SA
IP Telecom, Serviços de Telecomunicações, SA
IP Engenharia, SA
IP Património – Administração e Gestão Imobiliária, SA
GIL - Gare Intermodal de Lisboa, SA
- What is personal data?
Any information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural legal person. A natural legal person is identifiable when they can be identified directly or indirectly, more specifically through an identification number or specific characteristics relating to their physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identify.
- What constitutes personal data processing?
An operation or series of operations performed on personal data or on series of personal data, by manual or automated means, such as the collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction of personal data.
- Who is responsible for personal data?
The entity responsible for personal data processing is the IP Group Company which determines the purposes and means of processing such data.
- Is personal data collected by the IP Group safe?
IP Group companies have implemented various technical and organizational security measures to protect the personal data of their stakeholders against loss, dissemination, alteration, processing or undue or unauthorized access.
- For how long are the data stored?
The period of time during which personal data are stored varies in accordance with the purpose for which the information is processed. As a rule, data will be stored and preserved only for the minimum period necessary to pursue the purposes which led to collection and/or processing, in accordance with the law.
- What are the rights of personal data subjects?
Data subjects have the right to access, rectify, erase, restrict, portability and object in accordance with the limits established by law.
- How can personal data subjects exercise their rights and/or complain?
To exercise these rights, data subjects must address their communications to the "Contacts" which can be found on the website www.infraestruturasdeportugal.pt.
Furthermore, data subjects may also contact the IP Group Data Protection Officer with regard to matters concerning personal data processing by email dpo@infraestruturasdeportugal.pt
Finally, and without prejudice to the submitting of complaints directly to the IP Group through the contacts provided for the purpose, data subjects may complain directly to the Control Authority, using the contacts provided by this entity.